Embrace Your Weird Online Class!


Sundays from 3pm - 5pm Eastern

Jan 13, 20, Feb 3, 10, 17 (5 Classes)

I am so thrilled to be able to offer my classes online! I know t’s not easy - for many reasons - to get to a specific retreat location, so this offers a great alternative. Connect via video conference anywhere you have internet access, and join me for a fun, helpful, and engaging workshop. The class size will be small so we can keep it intimate and create a safe, supportive community.

Here’s the class description:

Learn to live with more ease and authenticity, whether you have diagnosed anxiety/depression, or just experience everyday stress. We will discuss tangible ways to understand your inner critic, increase compassion for yourself and others, and access the joy within that often feels smothered by stress.

The class will also include therapeutic writing exercises, breathing techniques, and mindful group dialogues about managing anxiety. We will practice proven methods to retrain the brain and create healthier habits in all areas of our lives.

This class provides opportunities (but no obligations!) to share your creative work in a supportive community, ask questions, and gather tools to create more happiness and contentment in daily life.

No experience in anything, other than being human, is required.

Join the class via video conference with free and easily downloadable Zoom software from anywhere you have an internet connection. Questions? Ask here. The class size will be limited, so save your space by registering below.

Veteran discount and a limited number of other scholarships are available, inquire here.

Get Early Bird Special pricing ($49 off) until Dec. 15th!

Here’s what my former students have said about the class:

“I found it beyond helpful and engaging. The content was so groundbreaking for me.”

“I was slightly apprehensive about taking this class, I almost didn’t come because of my anxiety. I’m glad I did because I’ve been given tools to cope. Effective, in just a few days!”

“Lisa’s workshop and book have been more helpful to me in self-acceptance and self love than the past years of therapy.”

“There wasn’t one thing Lisa said this weekend that was not incredibly valuable. As someone who is in education – Lisa is one of the best teachers I’ve ever had.”

“This program was excellent. Lisa is a sensitive and caring person who communicated how to enrich our lives by giving us tools for self-awareness and dealing with issues that held us back from a self-aware and fulfilling life. “

“The program exceeded my expectations. Lisa is so easily understood and approachable. I came with an open mind and was led to where I needed to be.”

“Lisa Jakub is a refreshing soul that will feel like a warm hug as she teaches you to accept any of your weird crazy self, and provides tools to take home.”

“The ease with which Lisa spoke about all of these complex topics and her passion for exploring the intersections of writing, anxiety, and yoga was inspiring to say the least.”

“Thank you so much for your time, energy, and expertise this weekend and for just being so darn likable and REAL!”

“I feel our weekend together was life-changing in so many ways!!  I feel like something has opened in me and I finally have a direction for my writing. Things are just flowing… this is so healing and exciting!”

“Someone already mentioned how “up” and positive I sounded coming home after your workshop this past weekend!

“Lisa made it a safe, welcoming space, and shared personal stories in a way that illustrated what she taught and made it even more accessible. I am looking forward to putting all these tools to good use!”